by Madlen Pashinian
The beginning of a relationship is always exciting! You meet someone, the chemistry is there, and you can’t stop thinking about him or her. You start dressing nicer, and have an unexplained smile on your face just because. Things between you are amazing and you put your best foot forward in order to impress them. So now you’re in a relationship with this person for quite some time, you know something isn’t right, you feel it in your gut, and you’re not sure if you should stay in the relationship or leave.
Here are some signs that you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
The beginning of a relationship is always exciting! You meet someone, the chemistry is there, and you can’t stop thinking about him or her. You start dressing nicer, and have an unexplained smile on your face just because. Things between you are amazing and you put your best foot forward in order to impress them. So now you’re in a relationship with this person for quite some time, you know something isn’t right, you feel it in your gut, and you’re not sure if you should stay in the relationship or leave.
Here are some signs that you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
- Trust. Do you trust your partner? Do you find yourself cruising through social media or their phone looking for signs that they are cheating? If you don’t trust your partner and you believe they are cheating, then this is a sign that you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
- Fighting Dirty. If you and your partner fight dirty, meaning call each other names, and make threats like, “if you leave me, no one else will love you! Or, if you leave me, I will hurt you/me”. This may be a sign that you are in an unhealthy relationship. When you argue with your partner, there should be no reason for name-calling or any other type of abuse. This can kill the relationship and really wound your self-esteem.
- Communication. Do you feel like you are unable to talk to your partner and really tell them what’s bothering you? Or when you do tell them, your needs go ignored? This also may be a sign that you are in an unhealthy relationship. Do you feel that there is no the point and even talking to them because they will get upset with you or put you down for vocalizing your needs and concerns.
- Break up to make up. Contrary to popular belief, it is very unhealthy to fight just to make up. This causes a huge strain in the relationship and breaks the trust. It can also cause severe anxiety between partners, because they may believe that at any time the other may leave.
- Emotional Support. You feel drained all the time because there is no emotional support from your partner. There is no mutual respect, and you feel like you are stuck in the gutter with no way out.
- Physical and Verbal Abuse. It is never okay, under ANY circumstances, for your partner to be physically and verbally abusive with you. If you are in an abusive relationship and are afraid of getting out, there is help for you available! Love should NEVER hurt!